Home Pastors Articles for Pastors If You’re Missing These 4 Elements, You’re Not a Leader

If You’re Missing These 4 Elements, You’re Not a Leader

When I think about a leader’s life, I think of qualities such as humility.

In Matthew 11:29, many theologians believe it is the only time the Lord Jesus ever referenced his own character when he asked us to learn of him. He said, “For I am meek and lowly in heart.” It spoke of the humility of the Lord Jesus. We see it displayed beautifully in John 13 as he washes the feet of the disciples and then challenges us to go and do likewise. My prayer is that my Christian leadership would first and foremost be clothed in humility.

Christian leadership should display Christian kindness, a spirit of gentleness and, again most importantly, a servant’s heart. When this life is over, if only one word can be placed as an epithet on my tombstone, may it be the word “others.” Daily, it is my main challenge to see this become a reality for my life.

If I am going to be a Christian leader that influences others, I must be a leader that knows the meaning of self-control. The longer I live, the more I realize that self is the greatest enemy to Christ-honoring leadership. Self-preservation, self-indulgence, self-centeredness, self-focused … I could go on and on in mentioning all the words that speak to the opposite of self-control. I realize that self-control is a fruit of the spirit. Therefore, only as I yield and surrender myself on a daily basis—and might I add, on a moment-by-moment basis—to the Lord Jesus Christ, self-control becomes a reality.

A large challenge in Christian leadership is the battle of who one is as opposed to who one belongs to. I desire, above everything, to find my identity in Christ, not in my title or my position but in the Lord and Savior that bought and purchased me.

These are just a few reflections of what comes to my heart and mind as I constantly reflect on my life as it pertains to leadership. I hope that I will lead others in such a way that God alone would be glorified.