Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 6 Life Hacks for BIG, BIG Ministry Impact

6 Life Hacks for BIG, BIG Ministry Impact

1. Fill The Gaps With Meaning

I have a friend who reads 40-50 books a year, while leading a large church full time and running a few ministries on the side? How?

He says he always has a book with him.

When he has 5 minutes or 10 minutes, he reads.

Whether you’re a reader or not, the point is excellent.

He fills the gap with meaning.

You have gaps every day.

  • When the kids are in bed.
  • When you’re stuck in traffic
  • When you’re waiting in line.
  • Between meetings.
  • While you’re waiting for someone to show up.

What are you doing with that time, other than checking Instagram or reading check out magazines that add zero value to your life?

Read a book. Listen to a helpful podcast (shameless plug).

Think. Journal. Pray.

Fill the gaps with meaning.

2. Cut Out Trivial Pursuits

Any idea how much TV you watch?

The average American watches 5 hours…a day. That’s. Per. Day.

And yet I have never heard anyone say “TV changed my life. Watching TV is why my life is filled with passion and significance.”

The average 21 year old in America has spent 10,000 hour gaming over his life so far…more time than he actually spent in middle school and high school combined.

Not all TV is bad, and some argue that gaming can be good.

But really…that’s a lot of hours.

Does binge watching really make the world a better place? Will levelling up really leave a legacy?

I’m just asking.

We need to relax and enjoy, but in the same way that you are what you eat, you become what you consume.

So curb the junk.


3. Rest When You’re Not Tired, But Not Longer

The best quote on laziness I’ve encountered is this “Laziness is resting when you’re not tired.”

By all means sleep. Get 8 hours. 9. Seriously. Sleep is the secret weapon so many effective leaders carry.

And rest. Relax.

But there comes a point when resting stops being restorative and starts being self-indulgent.

Stop resting when you’re not tired.

Do something…meaningful.