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What I Wonder About Heaven

But we still wonder. We cannot help ourselves.

What I do not wonder about, howeverjust so you will know—is whether or not I’m going. I have the word of the Lord Jesus Christ on that. “He who believes in the Son has eternal life, but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him” (John 3:36).

I believe, Lord Jesus.

Now, help me to take as many people with me as possible.

That’s why it’s so necessary to keep reminding people of certain truths: 1) Not everyone is going to Heaven. Oh, that they were! 2) Jesus Christ and He alone is the door—the way, the entrance—to Heaven. We come by Him or we miss Heaven altogether. 3) Entering the door, which is the Lord Jesus, is a matter of repenting of our sin of self-trust and rebellion, humbling ourselves before Him in prayer, inviting Jesus into our lives as Lord and Master, and then living for Him thereafter.

I worry about people who think because they have just prayed a little prayer they’re going to Heaven. I worry about those who think because they belong to this church or that denomination they are automatically in. I worry about some who have no personal inner witness of God’s Spirit that they are saved but go forward in the blind assurance that they are because some preacher or priest said they were.

Get into the Word of God and read it. Start with the first page of the New Testament and read it all. Then come back to the Gospel of John and camp out there until you’ve read it several times. Obey what you read (see John 13:17). Live for Christ. Serve Him. Get with His people in a Bible-believing church, be baptized, read your Bible and pray.

Do this and upon the authority of the Lord’s Word, I will guarantee you two big things:

1) You will go to Heaven.

2) You will be right at home there.

I wonder if you will start on this journey with us today. And I wonder why anyone would choose to delay.