No…it probably wouldn’t. Just so you know.
Alliances help. But they will not save. God does that.
6. More
Too many times, I’ve caught myself worshipping the idol of more.
If I had more staff…more money…more lights…more team…more square footage…more fill-in-the-blank-with-whatever-your-current-obsession-is, then our church would be awesome.
Nope. God is awesome.
And again, there’s nothing wrong with having more. It’s just that more will not be your salvation.
Faithfulness is measured in what you do with what you have.
And if you steward what you have well, guess what? Often (not always, but often), you eventually end up with more.
Focus on what you have, not on what you don’t have. That’s better leadership.
7. Progress
I seem to be far more addicted to progress than God appears to be. Or at least what I would define as progress (I’m quite sure God makes more progress on things than I do).
I often think I would be the worst biblical character.
I would not be good with being in prison for years like Joseph or Paul. Or wandering the desert for 40 years like Moses while people complained. Or waiting to be king for what must have seemed like an eternity to David.
If every graph is not up and to the right, I get worried.