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The Gift We ALL Want This Christmas


1.  A SPECIAL MOMENT FROM A FATHER. The Scripture says, “At that moment, heaven was opened and he [Jesus] saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him.” Think spotlight. Every man, woman and child deeply craves a father’s special love. God modeled this need and this pattern for all of us.

2.  A SPECIAL NAME FROM A FATHER. Ever heard that phrase, “They’re trying to make a name for themselves.” Men, women and children all want to be identified as a loved son or daughter first on the journey of life. If that is not there, they will begin a quest to find a name. They will find an identity that bestows a name. They will connect to groups or communities that bestow names. Gangs, social networks, professional titles or lifestyles that provide a label. The one they crave more than any other is the name “My son” or “My daughter,” regardless of age.

3.  A SPECIAL LOVE FROM A FATHER. Relationally speaking, there are two kinds of people. The first type of person is dominated by unhealthy fears of non-acceptance, and that fear sabotages the way they see themselves, engage people and manage their relationships. The second type of person has encountered and experienced unconditional love, feels deeply accepted and is being set free from the real insecurities that sabotage relationships. Scripture says: “There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love,” (I John 4:18 MSG). God the Father says to his son, “I love you son.” God says to us, “I love you son,” to liberate us from insecurity as men and set us on a firm and mature emotional foundation.

4.  A SPECIAL BLESSING FROM A FATHER. While acceptance without performance sets us free from insecurity and fear, affirmation of progression is also needed in a man’s life. It’s called encouragement. It’s not just any kind of encouragement but the thoughtful kind that is watching, observing and drawing the conclusion of “in whom I am well pleased.” God was saying that he was pleased with who Jesus had become as a man.

What God models with his son he wants to replicate with all of his spiritual sons and daughters adopted into the family through Jesus Christ. He knows that in order to escape deep insecurities, false names and identities, immaturity, and acting selfishly, all men, all women and all children need a personal and powerful encounter with their Father. He wants us fully formed in His love so that we can help form our children in that same love. A man or woman cannot give away what he or she does not possess on the inside to his children, his spouse or others God has placed in his life to influence. That realization sometimes takes a lifetime to come to, but many times it’s too late (or so you believe).