Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 7 Surprising and Endearing Characteristics of Highly Effective Church Leaders

7 Surprising and Endearing Characteristics of Highly Effective Church Leaders

6. They take their work—not themselves—seriously.

Every guest I’ve interviewed so far takes their work seriously, but not themselves.

It’s so refreshing to find leaders who are absolutely passionate about their mission, but who don’t take themselves that seriously.

This shouldn’t be a surprise, but it is. Jim Collins identified humility as the defining difference between a Level 4 and a Level 5 [leader]. The leaders who go the furthest, even in business, are the most humble.

Want to be a better leader? Take your work more seriously than you take yourself.

7. They’re incredibly down to earth.

I often get asked, so what’s ___________ really like?

I love that question, because of the top church leaders I’ve met and know, the answer is they’re incredibly genuine people who walk the talk and who are good to be around.

I was a little intimidated in some of the interviews, but the warm demeanor, kind words and down to earth approach of every guest was disarming and encouraging.

I’ve met some leaders of small things who take themselves too seriously and are anything but down to earth.

I think that limits your leadership.

The leaders I’ve interviewed all know where they’ve come from, realize that leadership is a stewardship, and make others feel at ease.

What if you and I made others feel the same way.

What Do You See?

These are seven characteristics I’ve seen in the high capacity leaders I’ve been around on my podcast and in my leadership.

What do you see in the leaders you admire?

What can we learn together on this subject?