Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 9 Surefire Ways to Make Your Church Completely Ineffective

9 Surefire Ways to Make Your Church Completely Ineffective

6. Treat every Sunday like just another Sunday.

If you’re bored heading into next Sunday, why wouldn’t everyone else be?

In the church, every Sunday is resurrection Sunday. The same power that was at work to raise Jesus from the dead is the same power that is at work in us. (And no, I didn’t make that up.)

If every Sunday is boring to you a leader, maybe you haven’t read the Bible. Or don’t know God. Or don’t get amazed by seeing what happens when God gets involved in someone’s life.

7. Never articulate a strategy.

Passion is one thing … and you’ve got to have passion.

But passion combined with an effective strategy is explosive.

Many churches are afraid to articulate a strategy because it’s divisive. Leaders are afraid that not everyone will like it. And that’s true. But see point #3 above.

Ironically, you will eventually become more effective because your strategy is a little controversial. In fact, a clear strategy is one of the secrets to creating a highly motivated team.

Finally, if you have a clear strategy, your team will become more passionate about it. (You can’t become passionate about fuzz, after all.)

This post will walk you through the process of getting your church passionate about your mission, vision and strategy.

But first, of course, you need to articulate a strategy, as scary as that might sound.

8. Avoid all risk.

Christians teach their kids stories like David and Goliath, Daniel and the Lion’s Den, and then spend all their time trying to make sure no one gets hurt, nothing gets lost and everyone is ‘safe’ in the end.

The disconnect is profound if you think about it.

Read the Bible. Live the opposite way: Don’t trust God. Play it safe. Live an insignificant life. Risk nothing. 

How do you know whether you’re trusting God or just being stupid? I outlined that distinction here.

But for the most part, we’re just not trusting God nearly enough.

9. Decide you don’t like unchurched people.

Too many churches have defined themselves by what they’re against, not what they’re for.

If you really don’t like the people you’re trying to reach, why would they hang out with you? Seriously.

That’s one of the reasons I love what Gwinnett Church is doing with their #forgwinnett campaign. Seriously, you should check it out..

Do you love your neighbors? Really love them? Or do you judge them, look down on them, think you’re better than they are?

Love ‘em, and you’re likely to reach them.

Don’t and you won’t.

Not judging unchurched people is one of the nine signs you’re ready to actually reach unchurched people. (Here are the other eight).

Any Other Ways?

Any other surefire ways to make a church completely ineffective?

Or, alternatively, what have you done that has helped?