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Moms Need Theology, Too

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word theology?

Do you think of unpronounceable words, or dusty books from centuries ago, or perhaps lengthy sermons? If you had to choose between studying theology and reading a book on practical tips for your daily life, which would you choose?

For many of us moms, the mere thought of studying theology seems way beyond what our daily life can handle. We might think, At this stage in my life, I can’t learn theology. My life is consumed and overwhelmed with the daily duties of motherhood. Perhaps we think that our time might be better spent reading up on ways to help our child sleep, or on the best nutritional choices for our growing child, or how to keep our preschooler from throwing a tantrum in the middle of the checkout lane.

But the truth is we desperately need theology for all our daily duties of motherhood. We need theology for bedtime battles, feeding worries, the grocery store and everything else in between.

Just What Is Theology?

The word theology comes from the Greek words theos (God) and logos (word or body of knowledge). Theology is the body of knowledge about God, or put simply, the study of God. As Christians, we should desire to know all we can about God. After all, he is our Maker, Creator, Sustainer and Savior.

But learning theology is just the first step. We also have to apply it. And when theology intersects with our daily lives, we find that it isn’t just for seminary professors, but for all of us.

What we believe about God, who he is, what he has done and who we are in light of all that isn’t just for mere study and debate. Words like imputation, justification, atonement and election affect the very course of our lives day in and day out. They mold who we are.

  • When your child is sick and the doctors don’t know why, so they order more and more tests, it’s your theology that tells you that God is in sovereign control of all things. It tells you that God is not asleep—that he hasn’t forgotten you. Everything is under his control, and he is not surprised by any of your circumstances. Your theology reminds you in that moment that his intentions for you are good, and that he is working all things out for your good and his glory (Romans 8:28).