Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 7 Pieces of Wisdom for Navigating Through the Disappointments of Life

7 Pieces of Wisdom for Navigating Through the Disappointments of Life

Remember, you are not alone. Even though it may feel that way. Back to the story of Elijah, he couldn’t see it at the time, but God had reserved an army of supporters for him. Disappointments are a part of everyone’s experience. There is likely someone who has experienced the same type of disappointment. Don’t be afraid to find them and let them walk through this period with you. (This is not a time to remove yourself from the church community—this is a time to find real, life-giving community.)

Learn everything you can from this period. No one welcomes disappointment, yet most who have experienced it learn some of life’s best lessons during those times. Even failure can be a great teacher. Don’t miss the value of experience.

Move forward when opportunity presents itself. Too many people become paralyzed after a period of disappointment, refusing to ever move forward again. Living an abundant life requires risk-taking. Dreaming again. Loving again. Ultimately, to be obedient to God’s call on your life, you will have to walk by faith again. If you ever hope to escape the moment of disappointment—when the time is right and you’ve grieved your loss or disappointment sufficiently—get on with life.

Learning how to handle disappointments will make your life better. Eventually, God will—if you allow Him to—grant you the privilege of helping others who experience disappointment.

What wisdom have you gleaned from times of disappointment?