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One Simple Way to Encourage Your Pastor

So sometime this month—if there is something worth commending in your pastor’s sermon—go ahead and commend it.

To him. Personally. Gladly. From your heart.

Don’t worry about his head getting too big. The Lord knows how to keep his pastors humble so you can worry about keeping your pastor going. Who knows what season of doubt your minister may be enduring? Who knows what discouragement constantly plagues him? Who knows how close he may be to leaving the ministry (by quiet resignation or by public scandal)?

“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, thinking about these things” (Phil. 3:8). And if your pastor’s sermon—even once in a great while—falls into the category of “these things,” give thanks to God. And consider letting your pastor know that you did.