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7 Really Dumb Reasons to Leave a Church

Church hopping. It’s like Jesus hopscotch. With a Buick or Cadillac instead of Nikes or Reeboks. And everyone seems to be playing. Christians jump around from church to church. Hop from one trend to another.

And there are certainly valid reasons to leave a church. But there are many more terrible reasons. Being a minister, I see this firsthand. Especially in the south. Churches are a dime a dozen here. And you can have almost any flavor your heart desires. Like Baskin Robbins … on steroids. Without the sprinkles.

So, while I acknowledge the inevitability of church hopping in this culture, I want to push back against this trend. Church hopping is not something God wants or desires from His people. At least not church hopping as it exists in America.

It is the product of an over-abundance of churches mixed with a lack of desire and commitment among God’s people.

Without further adieu, here are seven really dumb reasons to leave a church.

1.) The church is too big.

Blogger Aaron Loy talks about this idea here. But I have been in conversations with people who cited this as a reason they left a church. Lying below the surface is usually some lack of authenticity or transparency within the particular church. Or the excuse that no one goes below the surface. While these can exist in large churches, I believe they are both false stigmas.

And here is why I really struggle with this excuse. Is growth not something to be celebrated in churches? Something is wrong if we do not believe numerical growth is an important metric. The reason Christians exist is to make disciples. Inherent in our mission is numerical growth.

On some level, if churches aren’t growing, the Great Commission is not being emphasized. I praise God for the way He has used men and women to draw many people to Himself.

So, don’t be judgmental or cynical towards megachurches because they have reached people with the gospel. Find a way to go deeper. Find a way to plug in. Those opportunities are present. Find them.

2.) The church focuses too much on materialism and excellence.

Unfortunately, many Christians have come to believe excellence and extravagance are synonymous. Also unfortunate is the belief that churches who spend money are too focused on materialism and worldliness.