Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 10 Inexpensive Ways to Develop People on Your Team

10 Inexpensive Ways to Develop People on Your Team

Learn from each other. Chances are good that everyone on your team has something to offer that can make the team better. Take turns sharing with each other something you already know or are learning.

Scavenger hunt. Assign each team member to find the best development idea and share it with the rest of the team. Whether online, in a book or through networking, seek out new ideas and improvements you can learn from one another and share them with the team. The process of sharing the idea discovered will prove to be development.

Trial and error. The best development may be putting systems in place that allow the team to take risks, but then evaluate the success or failure in an effort to learn from them and grow. Teams should be doing this anyway, but teams often fail to intentionally learn from the process of doing normal work.

Development isn’t cheap, but it’s a necessary part of continuing to be a healthy and growing team.

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What low-cost ideas do you have to offer development to a team?