Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Every Pastor Needs a Coach

Every Pastor Needs a Coach

According to Andy Stanley, “You will never maximize your potential in any area without coaching. You may be good, you may be better than anyone else, but without outside input you will never be as good as you could be.”

So where can you find a ministry coach? Since most coaching is done over the phone, you can find good coaches anywhere. Do an online search using keywords such as “ministry coaching,” “coaching for pastors” or “coaching ministers.” There are plenty of ministry coaches out there. They can be invaluable and well worth the expense.

Just remember one thing: A ministry coach is not a mentor. A mentor is someone who is more experienced than you and can teach you how they do ministry and what works for them. They’ll give you advice. They too can be invaluable. However, beware of trying to implement their model of ministry into yours. Just as David couldn’t wear Saul’s armor, so you must find the “armor” that fits you.

In contrast, a coach helps you explore and find “just the right fit” of your own “armor.” They listen more than they talk. They ask questions more than they give answers. They are convinced that God has wired you in a unique way in order to do a unique work in you and your ministry.

Like Barnabas was committed to walking alongside of Paul, so a good ministry coach is committed to walking alongside you all the way until God performs His great work within you.