Home Pastors Articles for Pastors How Going to Church Benefits Brain and Body

How Going to Church Benefits Brain and Body

4. Church benefits brain and body because it can help lessen depression.

A group of Canadian researchers discovered that those who attended church more regularly experienced less depression. They surmised that social support made the difference resulting in people being more resilient (see number 2 above).

5. Church benefits brain and body because it may help you live longer.

One study showed that attending church increased the lifespan for whites by an average of seven years and potentially 14 years for African Americans. The more people go to church, the less likely they are to die sooner than those who don’t go to church.

6. Church benefits brain and body for multiple health reasons.

Finally, church attenders commit suicide less often, deal with pain better, have less cardiovascular problems and recover quicker from surgery.

A final word.

We follow Christ not because of the pragmatic benefits, like taking aspirin for a headache. We follow Him because he created us with a soul thirst that can only be quenched in Him. However, when we do turn to Jesus and His Body, He gives us some nice brain and body benefits as well.

So the next time you are in church, thank God for these brain and body benefits.

What other practical benefits have you experienced from attending church?