Home Pastors Articles for Pastors You Can’t Keep Up This Pace

You Can’t Keep Up This Pace


• A minimum of seven hours of sleep a night (unless it’s a necessity to do otherwise).

• Eat better (which means actually eating meals instead of skipping them).

• Continue to exercise reasonably.


• Make them all feel the specialness that they are in reality to me.

• Take time to look each of them in the eye to listen and talk to them.

• Make intentional, spiritual investments in them.

• Slow down and observe the uniqueness of their person as image bearers.

• Do my best to not be drained when I get home and give them leftovers.


• Keep alerts off the phone (except text and phone call).

• Have scheduled email/social media times.


• Keep up with my personal reading schedule for personal development.

• Continue to read one fiction book per month.

• Read newspaper regularly.


• As much as I can, try to end the day at the end of the day. Don’t bring it home.

• Cast cares upon the Lord and rejoice in his triumphs of grace.

• Get some administrative help.

• Give it everything I’ve got in between the lines (the work day).

• Sow gospel seeds deep into the ground by discipling people.

• Pray. Pray. Pray. This is the Lord’s work. The arm of flesh can do nothing.

• Be patient, the Lord is steering the ship.

• Run like it’s a marathon not a sprint.

Some of these things have been in place but not working together in view of finishing at a good clip. In other words, there were other things that were draining their effectiveness. Perhaps you run really hard and have reasonable restrictions as I did, but are also feeling the fatigue. In this case I would encourage you to look at the big picture of what you are doing in light of the long-run, the marathon of life. Can you finish at this clip? Or will this thing finish you?