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10 Steps to Win Over Pornography

7. View the anonymous actors in pornography as people created in the image of God. That’s who they are, actually. They’re somebody’s son or daughter. They’re created in God’s image, though that image is marred by sin. To treat them as only an anonymous object for your pleasure is to dishonor the image of God in them.

8. Take whatever drastic steps you need to take to remove temptations. Jesus used hyperbole to make His point, but He told us do what it takes to avoid sin; if we must gouge out our eye or cut off our hand, that’s what we do (Matt. 5:29-30). Move your computer into a public place. Add filters, and give somebody else the password. If you have to, get rid of your phone or your computer. Get connected with a counselor. Do whatever it takes—that’s what Jesus said.

9. Thank God every day for victory. In fact, thank God for every moment of victory. You would not win at all were it not for God’s grace and power.

10. Don’t ever assume you’ve fully won. The enemy who seeks to devour us (1 Peter 5:8) is smarter than that. As soon as you think you’ve won this battle once and for all, you’ve opened the door again. Walk in victory, but stay on guard.

What steps would you add?