Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions Carey Nieuwhof: 21 Things All Great Leaders Do

Carey Nieuwhof: 21 Things All Great Leaders Do

4. Bring clarity

Great leaders do stick with a problem or idea long enough and engage it deeply enough to clear away the fog and reduce the concept to its simplest forms so anyone can understand it.

This doesn’t mean they dumb it down. Rather, it means they make the concept accessible. And because it becomes accessible, more people are helped, and more people follow.

If you can’t say it clearly in 30 seconds, you probably don’t understand the problem clearly enough to proceed.

5. Think abundance, not scarcity

A scarcity mindset will kill your organization or church over the long haul.

Yes, there are seasons for restraint. Yes, every organization needs a bean counter. And yes, dreamers can be a problem.

But if you think small, you will stay small. If you think it’s not possible, it won’t be.

6. See the opportunity, not the obstacle

Some people only see obstacles. The best leaders see opportunities.

When everyone else sees the problem, great leaders do work at the problem until they find the opportunity.

7. Show up on time

Great leaders tend to show up on time.

If they’re late, they never make excuses. They take responsibility.

Great leaders take it a step further. They not only show up on time, they show up prepared.

Showing up on time and prepared can put you ahead of most other leaders.

8. Deliver on time … or ahead of time

The world is filed with people who promised and never delivered.

Great leaders will under-promise and over-deliver.

One of the best ways to do that is to hit deadlines, and even beat them. That gives time for feedback and correction and surprises the life out of whoever was counting on you.

9. Schedule their priorities

Great leaders set their own agendas. They know where they bring the most value, and schedule time for it.

Preachers do it by devoting one, two or three days a week to their messages, no matter what.

All leaders devote meaningful time to working on their business, not just in it.

Their most important tasks get their best energy and time, not their leftovers.

If you want to know how to schedule your priorities into your calendar, I wrote about it here.

10. Develop their strengths

Most of us want to fix our weaknesses.

The best leaders instead decide to recruit around their weaknesses and spend almost all of their times doing what they’re best at.

You’re probably only truly excellent at a few things.

Spend most of your time doing them.