Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 12 “Surprisingly” Friendly Experiences of Church Street Shoppers

12 “Surprisingly” Friendly Experiences of Church Street Shoppers

9. “A member asked how she could pray for me.” Not everyone who visits would like this kind of friendliness, but a gentle, unassuming prayer warrior can surprise lonely hearts.

10. “All the leaders on the stage introduced themselves.” As a first-time guest, how else would I recognize who they are? Leaders invite others to know them when they tell their names each week. If the church uses screens, at least a name on the screen is a start.

11. “They had a small gift for my kids at the welcome center.” Most churches that provide a small gift for guests provide something for adults, not for their children.

12. “The church even had greeters at the doors and in the parking lot as we left!” Greeters before a service are often expected; greeters after the service are a surprise.

What other “surprisingly” friendly experiences have you had at churches?