Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 20 Tweetable Leadership Tips

20 Tweetable Leadership Tips

A friend emailed me and asked for my “top 20 leadership tips.” They were doing a presentation on leadership and were asked to share 20 aspects of great leadership. The added catch—they wanted something short they could expand upon, so they suggested I share them in “Twitter length.”

It was like he didn’t know I’m the guy who only has “7” points in most posts?

I’m always up for a challenge, though, so I wrote down the question and pondered it for a couple of weeks. I added a few at a time. Then I sat down to compile the list.

Here are 20 leadership tips in Twitter length:

Build people—people are your greatest asset as a leader.

Believe in others—it’s the right thing to do and you can’t lead effectively otherwise.

Your life direction matters—you’ll likely end up where you point yourself and the team you lead.

Hold your methodology loosely—care more about accomplishing a worthy vision than how you do it.

Empower people—delegation is giving people real responsibility and real authority.

Keep learning—when you stop learning—you stop.

Renew your passion often—keep reminding yourself why you do what you do.

Learn to rest—so you can always do your best.

Value the word “No”—you can only do what you can do. Trying to do more lowers efficiency.

Prioritize each day—make every moment count—because it does.

Let failure build you—not define you—it’s the best way to gain experience.