Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 12 Characteristics of a Spiritual Entrepreneur

12 Characteristics of a Spiritual Entrepreneur

11. Let the critics talk while they act

The critics will always talk.

Spiritual entrepreneurs know this.

They don’t get weighed down by critics who criticize what others do and do little themselves.

How do you respond to the critics?

By acting.

Just act while the critics talk. You’ll accomplish something. They won’t.

12. Break rules

Quite obviously, you should never break biblical rules. And the great spiritual entrepreneurs never do. Their character is solid.

But you’re going to absolutely need to break some human rules if you’re going to disrupt the status quo.

Innovation always breaks rules. Why?

Because innovation never asks for permission. It just innovates.

What Do You See?

I wrote more about the challenges facing the church in my new book, Lasting Impact: 7 Powerful Conversations That Will Help Your Church Grow. Think of it as a manual for a new generation of spiritual entrepreneurs.

What do you see? Anything you’d add to this list?