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7 Easy Risks You Can Take Today if Too Scared to Risk More

7 Easy Risks You Can Take Today If Too Scared to Risk More

The problem with many leaders is that there is a gap between what they want to see happen and what they will do today.

We dream of a radical new future, but then we answer email all day, go to meetings, inhale caffeine and go home before it’s too late with far too much of whatever-we-did-today (what did I do again today?) left over for a boring repeat tomorrow.

To put it as eloquently as possible, this stinks.

To accomplish a radically new future, you will have to do radically different things.

This scares the socks off of most of us. After all, risk is for risk-takers, and many of us are not crazy risk-takers.

But what if you could begin to change that starting…today?

You can get over your fear in leadership by overcoming your fear in other areas of your life.

Small victories over fear can easily become larger ones, because like any good muscle, the more you practice overcoming your fears, the more fear you can overcome.

The End of the Road for the Timid Is Not Awesome

Before we get into how to break this pattern of leadership monotony, let’s look at why courage, risk-taking and a willingness to be daring matter in leadership.

It’s simple. This is what can happen if you fail to take risks in your leadership:

Your organization will suffer from few breakthroughs and likely continue a path to decline and irrelevance.

You will likely never leave leadership with any sense of fulfillment or accomplishment.

I completely understand that underneath a lack of courage is often the heart-pounding feeling of fear.