5 Truths About Your Faith as a Leader

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


4) You can distinguish between faith in God and faith in yourself.

Faith in God and faith in yourself can be a fine line to parse, but you must know where the line is. Both are important, but the order of priority matters greatly.

We accomplish nothing of eternal value outside God, yet He gave us gifts, talents, energy, wisdom and opportunities. What we do with all that is our choice, but God adds the favor, power and blessing that makes the real difference.

He is the vine, and we are the branches. So, who really produces the fruit? God does, but he chooses us as the instrument of that growth!

It’s easy to under-believe in God and over-believe in self, maybe not in our thinking but certainly in by our actions.

Confidence in your leadership and faith in yourself is vital. But the true source of that faith must always be God.

5) You can risk faith to grow faith.

I admire and respect the great faith of Kevin Myers, founding and Senior Pastor of 12Stone Church. For 30 years now he has risked his faith, meaning he doesn’t settle and leads toward God’s next…the best for 12Stone. He took a big risk when he planted the church in 1987 and has taken big risks ever since.

Faith grows larger when a leader takes a risk and sees what God can do. Whether you lead a small group or are the senior pastor of a church, risk-taking is essential to leadership and the development of your faith.

You don’t have to take a gigantic risk to begin stretching your faith, but it needs to be large enough that you know God is in it because alone you can’t pull it off.

This article originally appeared here.

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Dan Reilandhttp://www.injoy.com/newsletters/aboutnews/
Dr. Dan Reiland serves as Executive Pastor at 12Stone Church in Lawrenceville, Georgia. He previously partnered with John Maxwell for 20 years, first as Executive Pastor at Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, then as Vice President of Leadership and Church Development at INJOY. He and Dr. Maxwell still enjoy partnering on a number of church related projects together.

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