3 Leadership Lessons I’ve Learned From Beth Moore by Travis Cottrell

3 Leadership Lessons I’ve Learned From Beth Moore by Travis Cottrell


2. You will never regret over-preparing, but you will always regret not being ready for your assignment.

Beth has always been ready for the work at hand. This has been a lesson of great value to me. As a musician and a creative, in my natural bent, I can tend to want to fly by the seat of my pants. I would rather let my natural giftings take me to wherever I need to be, live in the moment, and let the ministry unfold as it happens. But watching Beth live a life of diligent preparation, study and discipline has taught us that there is no substitute for knowing what you are doing, where you are going, and how to do it most efficiently. Our team has watched her give many “no’s” because of the greater “yes’s” that her calling would demand on the other side of her discipline. More than her obvious natural gifting, Beth just flat-out works hard, and nothing that needs to be done goes undone. Excellence starts with her in the Living Proof family.

3. Take care of your team.

On Friday nights of our events, about an hour before we start, Beth, the worship team and I gather for prayer. After beginning that time with a few belly-laughs and story-telling, we begin to focus on the task at hand. And then something amazing happens. Beth opens her Bible and her notes and begins to teach us. She doesn’t give us a warm-up word from what she is about to teach the crowd. She has prepared something just for us. Just the nine of us. With all of the pressures and expectations of literally thousands of people waiting in the same building, she comes to us, humbly desiring to serve us, to help us prepare to serve and worship. Beyond that impactful time of worship and study, she invests herself in the lives of everyone with whom she serves. She dotes on children. She remembers birthdays. She asks questions, and then asks more questions. She prays with us. She does not talk about herself. She is constantly giving to her team. Quite frankly, the selflessness of her leadership style might be the most impressive thing of all.

It feels almost unfair to only mention three principles that we have learned from our leader these 20 years. It is a joy for my team and I to honor this faithful servant who has served the Lord by serving us in leadership so well. I hope this gives you a glimpse into the character of this vessel that God has used in immeasurable ways in the Kingdom of God for His glory. Thank you for praying for her and for us as we strive to serve Him with faithfulness and authenticity.

This article originally appeared here.

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