Sure, you want to pay attention to the challenges that are surfaced, but more than that, pay attention to the fact that they aren’t trying to hide something.
Pay attention to their willingness to receive all of your questions. If they are trying to rush the interview, don’t ignore that. If they are willing to answer your questions, that speaks positively about them as a team and their process is centered around their candidates as people and not as commodities.
Resources That Helped Me
This was my first (and prayerfully, will be my only) time in a senior pastor candidate process with a pastoral search team.
So I don’t share all of this as some guru, just as someone who has just gone through it. And if you’ve been with the RP community for long, you know I’m always dissecting things. So I pray this was helpful to you.
But I know this didn’t cover every question you could ask. So here are a couple resources that were helpful to me.
Questions a Pastor Should Ask in an Interview – Josh Weidmann
Seven Questions a Pastor Should Ask a Church Before He Says “Yes” – Thom Rainer
This article originally appeared here.