How to Master the Language of Leadership

language of leadership
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6. Thoughtful

  • The mark of a leader is the profound ability to speak well-reasoned words, versus off-the-cuff opinions.

7. Optimistic

  • Leaders are not naïve, but they communicate hope.

8. Truthful

  • ‘nuff said.

9. Respectful

  • Leadership language does not dominate a conversation; it makes sure all of the other voices are heard.

10. Action-Oriented

  • Leaders don’t merely talk about a subject. They use their words to move people towards action.

Conduct an audit of your communication, using these characteristics as your grid. If you find that you’re lacking in certain areas, resolve to develop your leadership language skills.

Because when you master the language of leadership, you can turn blank stares into passionate engagement.


This article originally appeared here.

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Scott Cochrane
Vice President- International, Willow Creek Association. Love Jesus, Nora, Adam, Amy and John. Football and hockey further down the list

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