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This Day is a Decision

“This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalm 118:24

I’ve met a lot of people who take this verse to mean something like, “Well, God has made this day, and everything that is going to happen is going to happen. There’s nothing we can do about it. We may as well rejoice in it.”

But I don’t think that’s what this verse means, and I definitely don’t think that’s the outlook of the Bible. We don’t serve a passive God, and I don’t believe God desires a passive people who wait for life to happen to them.

This day is not a pre-determined, pre-programmed event. This day is a decision.

And for that, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

This day is a decision of whether or not I’m going to come closer to fulfilling my divine destiny by the choices I make.
This day is a decision of whether or not I’m going to walk in greater obedience to Christ.
This day is a decision of whether or not I’m going to love my wife and kids as Christ loved the church.
This day is a decision of whether or not I’m going to breathe life into the people around me.
This day is a decision of whether or not I’m going to live a day worth rejoicing and being glad in.

Don’t hear me wrong. I’m not saying that we are writing the script of our lives by ourselves. God is the ultimate writer of our stories. Of all our stories and of every day in our stories. God is sovereign and He is ultimately in control of the script of each day. There are certain things you can’t control. Certain things that God has written into your life and into this day that you’re going to have to embrace.

But I still believe God gives us enough ink to write our story in His Story. I still believe that He still wants us to work proactively with the unchangeable parts of the script He has given us to maximize the potential of every day we’re given.

This day is not set in stone. No day is. And there is never going to be a day exactly like this day again. Rejoice and be glad that God has given it to you. And now live a day worth rejoicing in.