Home Pastors Pastor Blogs What You Complain About is What You're Gifted At

What You Complain About is What You're Gifted At

It doesn’t take a gift survey to figure out how you’re wired. Just look at what drives you crazy, what bothers you. The truth is… what you complain about is what you’re gifted at.

Not everyone spots these problems. They’re invisible to the majority of the population. The whole reason you can see them is because your giftedness gives you the eyes to identify them.

When you’re not gifted at something, the shortcomings don’t bother you. So complaining can be your friend. It tells you where you need to improve and the areas you’re neglecting.

If you’re leading an organization, listen to the complaints of people. Ask them to complain. Tell them to gripe about what bothers them. Then after they’ve thoroughly rolled the organization, ask them to be part of the solution.


This is part of the weekly lesson I send out to Dream Year participants every Monday morning. The new class starts January 2011. The application deadline is December 10. Visit www.dreamyear.net.