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What if You Don't Have a Dream?

As the deadline approaches for applications to Dream Year on December 10, I’m getting emails asking what if I don’t have a dream? Five thoughts for you…

1. I’m discovering that most people DO have a dream, but dare not speak it because it’s so big. They’ve already discounted the possibility of achieving it because of fear, insecurity, comfort.

2. Most people live with their frustrations when God intends those experiences to shape a dream in your life. Ask yourself, what frustration am I choosing to live with rather than fight? Think of the Israelites who invaded Canaan but didn’t drive everyone out. They lived a lesser life.

 3. Doing SOMETHING is better than doing nothing. The waters don’t part until your feet hit the Jordan. So maybe it’s not your life-long calling… take your ability to execute to a whole other level by doing something. This is a system to do that.

4. The people around you know EXACTLY what you’re bad at… and what you’re great at. They’re just too polite to tell you. So you have to ask them. You’ll probably find your dream amid those stories. God will confirm or deny it for you.

5. This is why I created the Dream Year weekend retreat in Nashville on January 21-23. It’s a place to explore and learn the principles of the Dream Year process, but not have to walk month-by-month with accountability for something you haven’t identified yet. You still get the weekly lessons all year.