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Why the Southern Baptists Prefer Fat, Lazy Men

Saw this morning that the Georgia Baptist Convention (a part of the Southern Baptist Convention) kicked Druid Hills Baptist Church out its organization yesterday for having a female pastor on staff.  She had served as a missionary in Peru for nearly two decades and Druid Hills Baptist Church had been a part of the SBC for nearly 100 years.

If you click and read the story you will see that a dissenting voice said that he felt like this was “Selective Credal Application” in which the baptist leadership is choosing to completely oust people that violate certain parts of their baptist creeds, but virtually ignore people that are violating other creeds.  I agree.

I’m not a baptist, but I see this all across the church all around the world.

People in power point the finger and people with less power (women, gays, etc.) and selectively enforce certain creeds and doctrines such that the people with less power are ostracized, penalized, shunned, kicked out, humiliated, etc. while the people in power can violate certain creeds and scriptures and RARELY pay the ultimate price.

Could you imagine if an entire church was ousted from an organization because a staff pastor was a very OBESE man?  It would never happen. That obese man could overeat morning, noon, and night and be as slothful and greedy as anyone in the world, but no penalty would ever be enforced.

Guess why?  It’s not because obesity isn’t dangerous, but it’s because he is still a man.  In the eyes of the Southern Baptist Convention,  a fat, lazy, greedy, arrogant man trumps a healthy, God-fearing female missionary pastor any day of the week.