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7 Ways to Maintain Respect as a Leader

As a leader, one of your most valuable assets is the respect of the people you are leading.  If a leader is respected, people will follow him or her almost anywhere.  If a leader loses the respect from the ones he or she leads, it becomes very difficult to regain that respect.

Often a new leader is given respect because of his or her position as a leader, but respect can be quickly lost due to performance.  Many times, it’s the seemingly small things that cause the most damage to a leader’s reputation.

I have found that a few simple (some not so simple) acts help protect the respect a leader enjoys:

  • Return phone calls and e-mails promptly…
  • Do what you say you will do…
  • Act with integrity…
  • Use fairness in your approach…not too harsh…not too soft…
  • Show others respect…
  • Learn continually and encourage growth in yourself and others…
  • Work as hard or harder than others…

Maintaining respect is a matter of acting in a respectable way.  How are you doing in that area?  (You may want to ask the ones you are supposed to be leading…Read how I do that each year HERE.)

What would you add to my list?