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Who's It Gonna Be?

I have one question for us as we start this New Year:
Who’s it gonna be?

Who’s going to be used by God in ways the world has never seen before?
Who’s going to take their organization to the next level?
Who’s going to be the first one in their family to break an addiction that has plagued it for generations?
Who’s going to come up with the next innovative idea that changes the world as we know it?
Who’s going to step up and finally start leading their family?
Who’s going to support their husband and be his greatest encourager?

Who’s it gonna be?
It could be anybody.
It might as well be you.

Or negatively, who’s it gonna be?
Who’s going to forfeit their marriage by having an affair?
Who’s going to lose their job because of a lapse of integrity?
Who’s going to regress in their walk with God?
Who’s going to continue to let their TV raise their children instead of doing it themselves?
Who’s going to keep treating their spouse like a trophy collecting dust rather than someone still worth pursuing?

Who’s it gonna be?
It could be anybody.
It can’t be you.
You’ve got too much to do.
Too much greatness to achieve. Too much of a person God wants you to become.

This year isn’t set in stone. What you’re going to do with it isn’t. The person you’re going to be by the end of it isn’t either.

You aren’t destined to be caught in an ever-downward spiraling motion of failure yet again. This could be the year where it all turns around. You’re also not set to ride the momentum of last year’s successes into this year’s endeavors. This could be the year where it all comes apart. Or the year where it stays together but goes nowhere or coasts into mediocrity.

The choice is yours.

So what’s it gonna be? Who’s it gonna be?

The answer to that question will be determined by how you spend the next 361 days. Starting today.