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Jerry Rankin on Spiritual Warfare in the Global Mission

by Jonathan Parnell

This is the second question and answer post with Jerry Rankin (read the first).

You have written directly on the subject of spiritual warfare. What led you to focus so much on this important topic, especially for missionaries?

If God’s ultimate desire is to be worshipped and exalted among all peoples, it is evident the adversary, Satan, who is jealous for God’s glory, is actively seeking to deprive God of his glory among the nations. 

Just as he robs God of his glory in our lives through temptation to sin, embracing of carnal values and self-centered gratification of the flesh, he is subtly imposing barriers to global evangelization. Scripture is prolific in alerting us to this spiritual warfare and the necessity of walking in faith and utilizing the weapons of victory we have been provided in Christ. Awareness of the enemy and understanding his tactics will enable us to avoid defeat, diversions and distractions in fulfilling our mission.