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Church Trends with Perry Noble

Perry Noble is the senior pastor of NewSpring Church, a multi-site church in South Carolina. He planted the church about ten years ago, and the ministry is having a big impact throughout the state. Perry was kind enough to offer his thoughts on trends he’s seeing in the church:

TONY: What’s a current trend that you’re seeing churches across the country begin to embrace?

PERRY: One of the trends that I am absolutely loving is the willingness of churches to cross denominational and even theological lines and begin to work with each other. I believe that for years the church was held back by small-minded individuals who thought they could not work with or learn from people who did not think and act just like them. However, today we are seeing more
and more churches partner together and learn from one another in ways that they never have before.

TONY: How do you see this trend impacting the future of churches?

PERRY: I truly believe if the church continues to go down the road of partnership (instead of persecuting each other) then we are going to see worldwide movements of God like we’ve never seen or experienced. We can accomplish far more by working together than we ever could alone.

In addition to following Perry’s blog, you can connect with him and his team at their annual Unleash Conference this coming February.