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5 Steps to a Good Sermon

I’m doing a couple of breakout sessions at Velocity today on how to write a Bible-based, Gospel-focused sermon.  In addition to describing our process, I’m going to walk through these five principles:

1. Start with the Bible.  Sermon preparation must begin with God’s Word and what God is saying to you.  Don’t start with a YouTube video or a cool series graphic that someone put on the Internet.

2. Look for a driving idea.  Sermons should have one driving point, not be all over the place. Try summarizing your sermon on twitter – that’s your main idea.

3.  Create a carefully worded principle or come up with a dominant illustration.  Agonize over the word choice or tell your story masterfully.  Good sermons have at least one of these; great ones have both.

4.  End with a clear action step. In the book of Acts, Peter called people to repent.  I believe the most effective sermons call people to do something immediately.

5.  Finish early.  Proverbs 3:9 says that we should honor the Lord with our first fruits, and I believe this applies to preachers.  Finish your sermon early in the week, because it’s your most important task.  Repeated Saturday night specials blamed on the Holy Spirit don’t honor God.