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It's an Attitude

This month, we’re going to focus on outreach, evangelism and advertising, meaning that most of the posts are going to center around those topics.  A blog post calendar will hopefully keep me on track.

There’s been a lot of debate about advertising in the church, how to balance living missional with attractional church services, and effective ways to grow a church.  Much has been written about how to format church services.  We can easily debate tips and techniques.

But I think reaching people is much deeper than playing a secular song to begin a church service or the proper headline of a postcard.  I think reaching people has far more to do with our attitude, than with our style.

I’ve been to traditional churches where the pastor wears a suit and where the music is led by a choir that’s extremely effective when it comes to evangelism.  And I’ve been to cool churches who know how to put on a show that just steal sheep.  Style might be important, but it’s not all-important.

Whether your church is traditional or contemporary, if you have the right attitude (the attitude of Christ, who came to seek and save the lost), and if that spirit permeates your church, then you’re on the right track.

We can talk about style and programming and effectiveness, but if you don’t have a heart or a real desire to reach those far from Christ, then your techniques won’t matter much.

One of the six core Nuts and Bolts resources is focused on advertising and outreach.  It’s full of practical ideas, campaigns, resources, documents and forms.  Use the code MARCH and get 25% off this month.  Get the instant download right here.