Keep Pace.

If you take a close a look at the picture above, you will see that there is something strange going on with the speedometer in our minivan. For the past six months, it has been reading as if we were moving, even while we are in a parked position. And while in motion, the speedometer then reads much faster than how we actually are moving, which as you can imagine, can often prove to be quite frustrating while driving on the highway. Not to mention when passing that speed radar sign near our daughter’s school.

Appearing to do 95 in a 20 mph zone can generate quite a few boos from the wife and kids. Trust me.

Although I plan to get it fixed later this month, it has been rather interesting to put into practice a driving technique that many leaders, particularly men and women of faith, have to observe when it appears that the speedometer of their lives or dreams is operating out of control. For those of you reading this today who may at times feel that you are surrounded by indicators that life within you is moving around much slower than life around you, I highly recommend you do this one thing:

Keep pace.

Find a vehicle close by, specifically one who you can determine is moving in a direction you desire to go, and at a speed that you can also determine is both wise and judicious, and keep pace with it. No matter how things may appear along our journeys, it is imperative that we locate a pace car; a leader in whom we can confidently follow until we are comfortable with the conditions of our dashboard.

Because (as I know too very well) driving through life with constant presumption can wear you out.