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The Delicate Art of Harrassment

This is for all the producers out there. Those wranglers who must move people into the corral of project completion. A few pointers for getting better responses:

  1. Personal emails, not mass ones
  2. No links to show what you mean – just say it
  3. And say it “above the fold” – scrolling is your enemy
  4. No PDFs. No one reads those. Insert copy below
  5. Just when you think you’re starting to harrass them, they’re just starting to notice you
  6. Reminders are their friend
  7. Make one clear ask. In bold even. Give them one thing to respond to. One thing by one thing.
  8. If at first you don’t succeed, try a different medium. Some people are not “email people.” They’re “text people” or “phone call people.” Find their sweet spot.
  9. Make it easy for them. Do all the work that leads up to the one thing you need them to do
  10. Lead by serving. There is no such thing as an arrogant producer who is effective