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Make Someone Great Today

Warning: If you pray the prayer I’m about to ask you to pray, your life will be transformed. And transformation, real transformation, is often a painful process of growth.

You ready? Pray this —

“Papa, I have the honor of joining You in making someone great today. Fill me with Your love for them. Give me Your heart and hope for humanity. Make an eternal difference through me today. In Jesus’ Name.”

Get ready for what’s going to happen as a result of you praying this prayer. Why? Because when we pursue making others great, greatness will pursue, capture, and transform us.

This is transformative leadership.

You ready? Pray this —

“Papa, I have the honor of joining You in making someone great today. Fill me with Your love for them. Give me Your heart and hope for humanity. Make an eternal difference through me today. In Jesus’ Name.”

Get ready for what’s going to happen as a result of you praying this prayer. Why? Because when we pursue making others great, greatness will pursue, capture, and transform us.

This is transformative leadership.