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When Sunday is a Work Day

I have a question for any of you who have worked at church – paid or volunteer, teacher or worship leader.

How do you spiritually recharge when Sunday is a work day?

My Sundays start with teaching Sunday school, then a morning service that I’m always involved in even when I’m not preaching, and finally youth group at night.

By the end of the day I’m emotionally and spiritually drained.

I’m learning to block off time to regain my energy and center myself emotionally, but I can feel the effects of giving more spiritually than I’m receiving.

It’s hard to engage with the worship when you’re next on stage, it’s hard to find that spark of inspiration when you’re mostly hearing yourself teach.

Now, I know this is an occupational hazard everyone who works in the church faces, so I thought I’d turn this discussion over to you.

– What do you do to spiritually recharge?
– What has helped you keep from burning out?
– Where do you turn for that spark of inspiration or creativity?