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Derwin Gray: Seeing the Unseen

What picture of the future has God tattooed on your heart?

This soul tattooing is called vision.

When you have a vision from God, there is an internal pull that you can’t measure. But you know it’s real.

It dominates your thoughts.

You can’t see life being true life unless that vision of the future becomes a present reality.

You’re willing to risk everything for this soul tattoo to tattoo others.

As an itinerant evangelist traveling the country, God tattooed me with a vision that pulled me like gravity.

I envisioned a local church where Latino, Asian, black, white, and multi-ethnic people would worship Jesus together as one, despite their ethnic and socio-political differences. Jesus would obliterate all their barriers.

I envisioned a local church where teenagers would be actively involved in every facet of the local church. They would serve on the production team, the worship team, the hospitality team, and in children’s ministry. They would be on mission and be mentored by adults. They would not be the church of tomorrow; they would be the church of today.

I envisioned a church that would be so head-over-heels in love with Jesus that they would leverage their lives so Jesus’ mission of reaching and transforming people could occur through them. This envisioned community would be a community of missionaries.

When I shared my vision with other pastors, I was told on several occasions, “Man, that’s really hard to do.”

In the midst of discouragement, I saw Transformation Church before she was seeable.

I saw the unseen.

How could I see? By closing my eyes and praying to an invisible God who could see the future that brings glory to His name.

I knew that the local church I saw was God’s heart. And when it’s His heart, He makes the unseen seen.

Marinate on that,

Pastor Derwin