Home Pastors Pastor Blogs The Post I Shouldn’t Have Posted…and How it Changed Me

The Post I Shouldn’t Have Posted…and How it Changed Me

I once wrote a post…

It’s been a couple years now, but it taught me a lasting lesson…

I wrote about a situation I was dealing with at the time…

It was a general post…

The post addressed a leadership principle involving a disagreement I had with someone…

A leadership issue…I write about leadership issues…

I thought I was right…he thought he was…

I still agree with my position…he still agrees with his…

It was not a staff member…and I didn’t mention the person…

It would have been hard to tell who I was talking about….except to him…

And he knew…

He called me on it…
(Honestly I didn’t know he read my blog…)

He didn’t think I should use my blog to address our disagreement…

I was using the power of a platform to address a personal issue…

He was right…I was wrong…(Not about the leadership position,

but about using a post to address it during the disagreement)

I apologized…and immediately took the post down…

He accepted my apology and we are great friends today

I love that kind of relationship and proud of both of us for responding as we did…

It changed, however, how and when I blog about an issue…

The criteria I use now before posting on a real-life situation…

  • I never post in anger…
  • I sleep on it at least a night before posting…

I ask:

  • Why am I posting this?
  • Would I still post this if the person knew it’s about them?
  • Is this post helpful?
  • Is my version of the situation true for both sides of the disagreement?

Have you ever posted in anger? Has anyone ever called you on a post?