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Sun Stand Still Day Highlights

We’re about eighteen hours into the replay one of the craziest, most audacious initiatives we’ve ever done and will probably ever do. If you didn’t see the announcement on Monday, we are celebrating the one year anniversary of Sun Stand Still’s release by showing the full video of me preaching for 24 hours straight on Sun Stand Still Day.

Just in case you haven’t been able to watch over the past eighteen hours, I wanted to catch you up on some of the highlights. We captured these last year and I thought they would help you again this year.

There’s a lot here. Almost four months worth of sermons. Read. Digest as much as you can. Then head over to sunstandstill.org for the last few hours as we celebrate the God who can do the impossible.

Hours 1-4
– Revelation brings isolation. Sometimes no one is going to fully understand what God is doing inside of you.
– Too many times we ask God “why me” instead of asking him to teach us from our situation.
– Sometimes when God makes a miracle, He makes a mess.
– Stop trying to have all the answers before launching out in faith.
– Quit asking for guidance and start asking for God to be your Guide.
– Serving God is not a playground, but a battleground.
– God has to do something in you before he can do something through you.
– When God cuts something out of your life, it’s because he wants to bring in something better.
– Answer all of the devil’s “what ifs” with a “so what.”
– Pleasing religious people isn’t something God is going to hold me to at the end of my life.
– Perry Noble: “If your not doing what God called you to do right now, your wasting your life.”
– What do you do when you have limited input, but big dreams? You have audacious faith in your limited area of responsibility.
– Stop waiting for what you want. Work what you’ve got.
– Mentors can become a warp zone that can take you more quickly to whole new level with God.

Hours 5-8
– If you’re going to walk in audacious faith, go ahead and get used to the feeling of “I don’t have enough.”
– A lot of our prayers revolve around trying to get the problem to go away rather than having God come into it and perform a miracle.
– God will always position you before he pours out his provision on you.
– God says that, “Until I’m all that you have, you’ll never know that I’m all that you need.”
– God sometimes lets us come to the end of ourselves so that we can come to the beginning of God’s provision in our lives.
– There is such a thing as unanswered prayers. But there’s no such thing as wasted faith.
– Prayer is your highest appeal, not your last resort.

Hours 9-12
– Most Christians die like Moses on the wrong side of the promise God has given them.
– Dreams die in three places: the beginning, middle, and end.
– Most dreams die in the womb of small beginnings.
– Wanna see a dream die? Send it to a church committee.
– A lot of people choose to stay miserable simply because it’s familiar.
– The resistance is often fiercest on the borderline of the breakthrough.
– Actually, every word of “Where Dreams Die” was a highlight.
– Jesus did not come to fix systems. He came to subvert them with the gospel.
– Too many people confuse supernatural miracles with magic tricks.
– The impossible prayer God wants you to pray will always come with a specific instruction he wants you to obey.
– Nothing you’ve ever done is so repulsive that God can’t redeem your potential & love you through it.
– Fasting isn’t so much deprivation as it is dependence.
– You know God’s will by doing God’s will.
– Any step towards self-sufficiency is a step away from the Savior.
– Audacious faith isn’t the absence of fear and ambiguity. It eclipses it one small step at a time.
– Sometimes when you’re the closest to Jesus, you feel the greatest fear.
– God only asks you to have faith for the first step.
– We’re not interested in looking good, we only want Jesus seen & glorified through our lives.

Hours 13-16
– What is the brokenness in the world that produces a brokenness inside of me?
– Maybe the reason no one else is doing something is that God has reserved it for you to do.
– I believe God puts you exactly where you need to be to do exactly what he wants you to do.
– Make your profession your pulpit.
– Faith is not a drug to sedate us through a life that we hate. It’s a force that transports us to another realm of reality.
– Faith is governed by laws and principles. But it can’t be condensed into a magical formula.
– Faith not only prays, it pursues.
– A lot of times we confuse disappointed hopes with broken faith.
– I was going to say tomorrow morning, but it’s this morning, since we’re already in the future.
– All God needs is all you’ve got.
– There will never be a shortage in God’s supply. There will only be a shortage in your capacity to believe Him.
– Dress up for the place you’re going instead of dressing down for where you are.
– What we see as a setback is usually just a setup for God to show his glory in our lives.

Hours 17-18
– God does not define our lives by our feelings in any given moment. He is so gracious that he understands that there are going to be times where we don’t believe Him.
– You don’t have to believe God with perfect faith; just childlike faith.
– God did not define Abraham by his lowest moment. He defined him by his high calling.
– God does not define your life by what you just did, but who Jesus is in you.

Watch the experience here.