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The Antidote to Intimidation is not Courage

This is about the time of year when I start to feel real, actual emotions of affection for the survivors in Dream Year. I like them from day one. But month ten is when the word love starts kicking around my head. These people are incredible.

So whenever they face obstacles or get caught by an insecure feeling, I – like a close family member – get really passionate and protective about helping them get over it.

I’m like Lou Holtz with them in the locker room. Or… Lou Holtz if he were played by Gene Hackman in a made-for-TV-movie.

The culprit is always an overwhelming, nearly impossible, overall dream that intimidates the crap out of them.

But surprisingly, the solution is never COURAGE.

It’s action.

Just one phone call.

One email.

One ask.

One small step.

Because the waters only part when your foot hits the Jordan.

In the past week, I’ve received no less than four [unsolicited] emails from Dream Year participants. All of them told of one simple action that produced a tremendous result.

The benefit of being a coach is that you get to watch unbelievable things happen on the front row.

(And you get to pretend you’re Gene Hackman)