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Fund Raiser or Spiritual Journey?

The following was written by Joseph Sangl, President & CEO of Injoy Stewardship Solutions.

As a church leader, you are acutely aware that the God-given mission and vision costs money.  Church leaders must raise the money for the key next steps toward their God-given mission and vision. But let’s face it, most church leaders haven’t received much financial management training or guidance on how to talk to people about money.  Pastors become pastors to help people learn about and experience the life-changing message of Jesus.  As the church reaches more people, there is suddenly a need to take a big next step to be able to serve all of the people that are being ministered to – and it costs money – BIG money.

When faced with this challenge, here are six key questions to ask yourself and your leadership team:

  1. Is this truly a God-given vision?
  2. Is the next step crisp and clear?
  3. How much will the next step cost?
  4. How far do we need to go with this step?
  5. How fast do we need to get there?
  6. Are the leaders in my church on board?

As a leader, these questions can serve you very well in understanding the current environment, but one additional question to ask yourself is: “Do I want my church members to just participate in a fundraiser, or should this be a spiritual journey that leads to life transformation?

I don’t know about you, but there’s nothing as incredible as a fully funded vision that leads to life transformation!  That’s exactly what Injoy Stewardship Solutions is all about – helping leaders fully fund their vision while lives are transformed as a result of engaging in an effective stewardship journey — one based upon the blueprint of the Bible.

Joe and his team at Injoy would love to talk with you about the next big financial steps you are facing at your church.  Share your project with them below and a member of the Injoy team will respond ASAP to see how we can help you move the dream to reality!

Sign up here.


This is a sponsored post from Injoy Stewardship Solutions, one of my ministry partners on TonyMorganLive.com.