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Dads, Five Ways to Make Your Words Count

by Jonathan Parnell

Crawford Loritts reflects on five lessons he learned from his father on how to speak so that your children take your words seriously:

  1. Don’t waste words. Don’t add a lot of apologies or unnecessary detail that make you look timid.
  2. Don’t threaten.
  3. Be clear about expectations. When you tell someone, especially a child, how to behave or what to do, make sure you both are very clear about what you expect.
  4. Be clear about consequences, particularly if your expectations involve an area with which that child has struggled in the past.
  5. Take clear, decisive action. . . .

Say what you mean and back up your words with action. It’s a testimony to your integrity and an example your children will carry with them throughout their lives.

Never Walk Away, (Chicago: Moody, 1997), 96, emphasis mine.

Crawford Loritts will share more lessons he learned from his father on biblical manhood at our 2012 Conference for Pastors (Jan 30 – Feb 1). Registration is now open.