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The Bias Toward Better

In Dream Year, we talk about the difference between the producer and the artist…

The producer orchestrates the talents of others to execute the project. The artist is the one who carries out the actual work.

The artist is the one who writes the book.
The producer is the editor and publisher.

The artist is the chiropractor.
The producer is the one who hires her.

The artist is the conference speaker.
The producer is the conference organizer.

And so on…

Most of us want to be artists because we have a bias toward our own work. We want to do it ourselves. Get the credit.

But in Dream Year, we teach having a “bias toward better.”

This means using more talented artists to bring your dream to life: Better designers (even if you are a designer), better writers, better musicians, better leaders, better teachers, better project managers, better salespeople and better speakers…

It takes a tremendous amount of humility to step aside for someone more talented. But this exposes our true motive: personal pride… or the best possible outcome.