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Hedgehogs and Church: How to Hit the Communications Sweet Spot

2. Strengths

As a communications team, where are your areas of strength? 

Marcus Buckingham defines a strength as “an activity that makes you feel strong—it’s an activity that strengthens you.” 

Caution: don’t just answer this by looking at your current mix of paid and volunteer staff. For example, the guy who currently does your WordPress site might be gone next month leaving you with a void in that category.

In this case, “WordPress” isn’t necessarily a strength. You should only consider something a strength if it is repeatable and has redundancy within your team.

  • As a team, are you strong on social media?
  • As a team, are you strong on developing a distinctive tie between print/video/online communications?
  • As a team, are you strong in creatively mapping the pastor’s teaching to your online community?
  • As a team, are you strong in developing software that measures involvement of people in your church?
  • As a team, are you providing tools and opportunities that serve the broader community?

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