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Frustration Shapes a Dream

These are my opening words to each year’s Dream Year class:

“As you enter this next year, I’m counting on one thing from you – that you’re frustrated. If you were to say, ‘No, I’m doing great. I just want to try out this new idea,’ I’d be worried.

“If you weren’t discontented, heartsick, or angry about something in the world, you would have no reason to go after your dream. Without frustration, you’d never even recognize your dream, let alone have the passion to pursue it.

“Going after a dream is hard. And frustration is the fuel that propels you through the challenges when your idealism runs out. There are going to be times when you’ll need it. You’ll need a ‘worse time’ to help you endure the difficult times ahead. Frustration makes you intolerant of the way things were.”


You can get the video-based Dream Year lessons each week online through a Subscription. Or join me in Charlotte, NC on Jan 27-29 for Dream Year weekend