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5 Steps for Courageously Tweaking Your Ministry

Step One: Ask, “Who?”

Consider who created the pattern, the model, “the how” of your particular ministry area or ministry responsibility.

Did it come from a book, another church (conference), the previous pastor? Someone was the designer. Who was it?

Step Two: Ask, “Why?”

Consider the motives and the intent of the person who designed the ministry you lead.

Why did the originator of the ministry make the decisions they made?

Why is your ministry designed the way it is? What problems were they trying to solve? What were their assumptions?

Step Three: Ask, “What’s Changed?”

Somewhere between the original design and latest modification of the ministry you are leading, things have changed. Make a list of things that are different.

Is your ministry reaching the same people?

Who is coming now?

Who has left? How has communication and technology changed?

How have peoples’ values changed? What’s new in our community?

Is your leadership style different now? Obviously, these are a small sample of the countless questions you may ask.