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5 Ways to Bless Your Kids Into Greatness

Who doesn’t want their kids to live a great life?

But how can we do that? We want to. But how?

Authors Gary Smalley and John Trent wrote a super-duper book called The Blessing. I want to build off their work and give you 5 ways to bless your kids into greatness.

1. Our kids need us to hug them often. This is called meaningful touch.

2. Our kids need us to tell them “I love you” often; whisper love and acceptance into their heart through your words and actions.  This includes discipline.

3. Our kids need us to tell them and show them that they matter to us and that they are worthy of being loved by us. As parents we have the privilege and responsibility to build God-esteem into them. Self-esteem attaches their self-worth to their performance, rather than attaching their self-worth to what Jesus accomplished through His performance on their behalf.

4. Our kids need us to paint a God-sized, God-glorifying, world-changing vision of their future. We have the tremendous privilege and awesome responsibility to identify and call out the greatness God has deposited in them.

5. Our kids need us to be actively committed to their lives, which means doing the four things I listed, and doing them consistently throughout their lives.

So how do they become great?

Life is lived from the inside out. As we bless them, they will grow healthy hearts and out of a healthy heart, a great life is birthed.

Marinate on that,

Pastor Derwin